Influenza Z

Homoeopathic medicines to relieve the symptoms associated with Influenza, Fever, Sore throat, tonsillitis, Coryza and helps to increase immunity.



Aconitum napellus Dil D6 (monkshood)

Baryta carbonicumDil D15

Baptisia tinctoria Dil D3 (wild indigo)

Echinacea angustifolia DilD1 (purple cone-flower)

Eupatorium perfoliatumDil D6 (bone-set)

Gelsemium sempervirens Dil D6 (yellow jasmine)

Hepar sulphuris Dil D30 (calcium sulphide)

Mercurius Solubilis Dil D6 (Mercury vivus)

Natrum muriaticum Dil D6


Direction to use:

Adult: In Acute conditions use 15-20 drops 4-5 times a day in some water. Chronic conditions use 10-15 drops 3 times a day in some water.

Children above 5 to 16 yrs: In Acute conditions use 10-15 drops 4-5 times a day in some water. Chronic conditions use 10-15 drops 3 times a day in some water.

Infants Age above 1 year to 5 years: In Acute conditions use 5-10 drops 4-5 times a day in some water. Chronic conditions use 5-10 drops 3 times a day in some water. Or as directed by the physician.


Why Choose Our Homeopathic Medicines?

  • Natural Ingredients: Made with carefully selected natural ingredients to ensure gentle and effective relief.
  • Safe & Non-Invasive: Our remedies are non-invasive and safe for all ages, providing peace of mind with every use.
  • Targeted Relief: Designed specifically to address symptoms associated with common ailments, helping you feel better naturally.

Explore our range of homeopathic medicines and take the first step towards better health today.

Influenza-Z is a natural remedy that reduces symptoms of common cold, seasonal flu, fever, sore throat, and seasonal allergies. It helps the immune system to fight against respiratory diseases.

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